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Information about Calculate Linux 17.6

Calculate Linux is a Gentoo-based family of three distinguished distributions. Calculate Directory Server (CDS) is a solution that supports Windows and Linux clients via LDAP + SAMBA, providing proxy, mail and Jabbers servers with streamlined user management. Calculate Linux Desktop (CLD) is a workstation and client distribution with KDE, GNOME or Xfce desktop that includes a wizard to configure a connection to Calculate Directory Server. Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS) is live CD with a build framework for creating a custom distribution.

Alexander Tratsevskiy has announced the release of an update build of Calculate Linux, a set of desktop and server distributions based on Gentoo Linux, free of systemd. This version is provided in four desktop variants, featuring KDE Plasma 5.9.5, Cinnamon 3.4.2, MATE 1.18.0 and Xfce 4.12.3. "We are happy to announce the release of Calculate Linux 17.6, marking the 10th anniversary of the project. This new version features installation in LXC/LXD containers, theme customization, more stability with automatic dependency support, better security as editing the kernel parameters now requires a password and system update can be only performed by users authorized to do so. Main changes: Calculate gets a new flavour, Calculate Linux Container, to be installed on a LXC/LXD virtual machine; no default password is provided on a newly installed system - instead, a user password is prompted for at installation time; you can manage access privileges via Calculate Console; the sudo group was added for sudo authentication....

Related Links: Calculate Linux Forum, Calculate Linux Reviews, Calculate Linux Screencasts, Official website

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ISO 1cld-17.6-x86_64.iso
United States
75%  HTTPS (rate)Download ISO 1

ISO 1cldc-17.6-x86_64.iso
United States
75%  HTTPS (rate)Download ISO 1

ISO 1cldm-17.6-x86_64.iso
Russian Federation
91%  HTTP  Yandex (rate)Download ISO 1

ISO 1cldx-17.6-x86_64.iso
Russian Federation
91%  HTTP  Yandex (rate)Download ISO 1

Calculate Linux is a Gentoo-based family of three distinguished distributions. Calculate Directory Server (CDS) is a solution that supports Windows and Linux clients via LDAP + SAMBA, providing proxy, mail and Jabbers servers with streamlined user management. Calculate Linux Desktop (CLD) is a workstation and client distribution with KDE, GNOME or Xfce desktop that includes a wizard to configure a connection to Calculate Directory Server. Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS) is live CD with a build framework for creating a custom distribution.

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