SparkyLinux is a lightweight, fast and simple Linux distribution designed for both old and new computers featuring customised Enlightenment and LXDE desktops. It has been built on the "testing" branch of Debian GNU/Linux.
SparkyLinux is a Debian-based distribution with a wide range of editions. The projects semi-rolling branch has published a new snapshot, SparkyLinux 2022.03. The new release offers a number of desktop software upgrades and changes the way repositories are signed. The release announcement reports: "Sparky 2022.03 of the (semi-)rolling line is out, which is based on Debian testing Bookworm. The new ISO images provide: all packages upgraded as of March 6, 2022; Linux kernel 5.16.11 (5.16.12 and 5.17-rc7 in Sparky unstable repos); Calamares 3.2.53; Firefox 96.0.3 (firefox-sparky 98.0 and firefox-esr-sparky 91.7.0esr (Mozilla builds) available in Sparky repos); Thunderbird 91.6.1; LibreOffice 7.3.1 RC1; added a dock-like vala-panel with custom config which provides favorite apps launcher on the left side of your desktop (via sparky-launcher package); small improvements. Sparky changed a way of signig its repos, the latest update of sparky-apt and sparky-apt-unstable packages fixes it; Sparkys wiki page lets you do that manually.
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SparkyLinux is a lightweight, fast and simple Linux distribution designed for both old and new computers featuring customised Enlightenment and LXDE desktops. It has been built on the "testing" branch of Debian GNU/Linux.