Slax is a Slackware-based bootable CD containing a Linux operating system, designed with a modular approach. Despite its small size, Slax provides a wide collection of pre-installed software for daily use, including a well-organised graphical user interface and useful recovery tools for system administrators.
Tomáš Matějíček has announced the release of Slax 9.5.0, the latest build of the projects minimalist and modular desktop Linux distribution based on Debians "stable" branch: "Slax 9.5.0 released. I am happy to announce that a new version of Slax Linux has been released. Slax is a minimalistic, fully modular operating system. As usual, this version incorporates all upstream improvements from Debian stable, and fixes a few small known bugs. I am happy to announce that it is now possible to purchase Slax pre-installed on an USB flash drive with hardware-based AES encryption. This device is universally usable because encryption is performed directly on the drive and no trace of the PIN is left anywhere. Once disconnected, the USB drive automatically locks itself again. Payment is possible only with Bitcoin. You can download Slax from the projects home page. Enjoy!
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Slax is a Slackware-based bootable CD containing a Linux operating system, designed with a modular approach. Despite its small size, Slax provides a wide collection of pre-installed software for daily use, including a well-organised graphical user interface and useful recovery tools for system administrators.