The siduction distribution is a desktop-oriented operating system and live medium based on the "unstable" branch of Debian GNU/Linux. Forked from aptosid in late 2011, siduction offers three separate live media with KDE, LXDE and Xfce desktops. The project also promises regular releases, an open development model, and friendly relationship with its developer and user community.
Ferdinand Thommes has announced the release of siduction 17.1.0. As the name implies, siduction is based on Debians unstable branch (also called "Sid") and it comes in various desktop flavours which include Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE Plasma, LXDE, LXQt, MATE and Xfce. From the release notes: "Today we are proud to release siduction 2017.1.0 with the KDE, LXQt, GNOME, Cinnamon, MATE, XFCE, LXDE, X.Org and noX flavours. The fact that Debian is in deep freeze for Debian 9 Stretch allows us to release the whole stack. The released images are a snapshot of Debian unstable, that also goes by the name of Sid, from 2017-05-03. They are enhanced with some useful packages and scripts, a brand new installer and a custom-patched version of the linux kernel 4.10, accompanied by X.Org Server 1.19.2 and systemd 232.
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The siduction distribution is a desktop-oriented operating system and live medium based on the "unstable" branch of Debian GNU/Linux. Forked from aptosid in late 2011, siduction offers three separate live media with KDE, LXDE and Xfce desktops. The project also promises regular releases, an open development model, and friendly relationship with its developer and user community.