NuTyX GNU/Linux is an i686-optimised, French Linux distribution created from Linux From Scratch and Beyond Linux From Scratch, with a package manager borrowed from CRUX. The project releases a number of different editions, including an installation CD and DVD, as well as a 4 GB live USB. The distribution is designed primarily for French-speaking intermediate and advanced Linux users.
The NuTyX project has announced the release of NuTyX 15.05. The distribution is based on Linux From Scratch (LFS) and features a custom package manager, called cards. A revised version of cards (version 1.0) is present in NuTyX 15.05. Another new feature is the ability to work with JFS file systems. "The kernel used is a 3.19.6. A LTS release (Long Term Support) is also available in Version 3.18.12. The ISO is now translated to 100% in the following languages: French, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and German. The file system JFS has been added as possible format. It seems that this is not the best file system we can find today. Performance level, there is the Btrfs, stability and control level there is XFS. If you want to install on a formatted NuTyX Btrfs partition, you must install GRUB on a separate and especially not install GRUB partition (again) on the partition of NuTyX. For example /dev/sda1 formatted in ext2 will be set to boot from the machine and /dev/sda2 formatted in Btrfs will be used for install NuTyX.
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NuTyX GNU/Linux is an i686-optimised, French Linux distribution created from Linux From Scratch and Beyond Linux From Scratch, with a package manager borrowed from CRUX. The project releases a number of different editions, including an installation CD and DVD, as well as a 4 GB live USB. The distribution is designed primarily for French-speaking intermediate and advanced Linux users.