NethServer is a CentOS-based Linux distribution for servers. The product's main feature is a modular design which makes it simple to turn the distribution into a mail server and filter, web server, groupware, firewall, web filter, IPS/IDS or VPN server. It also includes a comprehensive web-based user interface that simplifies common administration tasks and enables single-click installation of several pre-configured modules. NethServer is designed primarily for small offices and medium-size enterprises.
Alessio Fattorini has announced the release of a new version of NethServer, a CentOS-based distribution for servers. The new NethServer release, version 7.4, introduces improvements to Samba and Active Directory integration. The new version also will inform the user when new upstream releases are available. "The new release automatically updates the domain controller and warns on upstream updates. Proxy, web content filter, anti-virus and IPS were updated and got an improved web user interface. In addition, it contains some enhancements (Speedtest in diagnostics panel, new bandwidth measuring, prevent intrusions with rule categories). Last but not least we are proud to present an up-to-date cloud and VoIP server. Account provider improvement: The local Active Directory account provider is now able to apply updates to the Samba DC instance automatically. The latest provided Samba DC version is 4.6.8. More features: Besides local active directory NethServer supports remote AD and LDAP(local/remote). IP changing possible. Account provider changing from LDAP to AD and vice versa is supported.
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NethServer is a CentOS-based Linux distribution for servers. The product's main feature is a modular design which makes it simple to turn the distribution into a mail server and filter, web server, groupware, firewall, web filter, IPS/IDS or VPN server. It also includes a comprehensive web-based user interface that simplifies common administration tasks and enables single-click installation of several pre-configured modules. NethServer is designed primarily for small offices and medium-size enterprises.