A free Debian-based live CD containing Clonezilla, a partition and disk cloning software similar to Norton Ghost.
Steven Shiau has announced the release of a new version of the Clonezilla Live disk cloning software. The new release, Clonezilla Live 2.4.6-25, is based on Debians Unstable (Sid) branch and features version 4.5.4 of the Linux kernel. "This release of Clonezilla Live (2.4.6-25) includes minor enhancements and bug fixes. Enhancements and changes: the underlying GNU/Linux operating system has been upgraded, this release is based on the Debian Sid repository as of 2016-05-29; Linux kernel has been updated to 4.5.4; Partclone has been updated to 0.2.88; some segfault issues have been fixed; added support for boot parameter ocs_preload*, it can be used to fetch tarall/zip/sh files from http(s), ftp, tftp, and local URL, then extracted to /opt/; adde package dos2unix; added watch ocs-scan-disk for local block device in prep-ocsroot; make ocs-install-grub work on openSUSE Leap...
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