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Information about CAELinux 2018

Just insert the CAELinux LiveDVD in your computer to turn it into a professional CAE workstation: no installation is required!

Based on the open-source CAE software Salomé & Code_Aster, you can load STEP / IGES geometry in Salomé and start partitioning and meshing your problem in just 5 minutes.

Then you can simulate incredibly complex physics with the ISO 9001 certified FE solver Code_Aster: non-linear thermo-mechanics, coupled fluid-structure dynamics, sismic / non-linear explicit dynamics, contacts, visco-plasticity, in other words all that you could imagine can be simulated with Code_Aster!! Then reload your results files in Salomé to post-process your data in 3D.

Joël Cugnoni has announced the release of CAELinux 2018, a new version of the projects Xubuntu-based Linux distribution with a collection of tools designed for computer-aided engineering: "We are proud to announce the new release of CAELinux 2018, which is based on Xubuntu 16.04 and which contains a full suite of open-source simulation tools for FEA, CFD or multi-physics simulation, but also a large panel of other engineering software for CAD-CAM and 3D printing, electronics, mathematics and programming. CAELinux 2018 represents a complete rebuild of the distribution that started in 2017 with up-to-date software and we hope that you will enjoy it. This release is available as usual in the form of an live DVD image for AMD/Intel 64-bit CPUs that can be burned on a DVD or installed on a USB key for mobile use and testing and then installed on hard-disk for best performance. Features: CAD/CAM and 3D printing - Freecad, OpenSCAD, LibreCad, Pycam, Camotics, dxf2gcode and Slic3r; FEA, CFD and multi-physic simulation - Code-Aster, Code-Saturne, OpenFOAM, Elmer FEM, Calculix, Impact FEM, MBDyn....

Related Links: CAELinux Forum, CAELinux Reviews, CAELinux Screencasts, Official website
Supported Architectures: AMD x86-64

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Just insert the CAELinux LiveDVD in your computer to turn it into a professional CAE workstation: no installation is required!

Based on the open-source CAE software Salomé & Code_Aster, you can load STEP / IGES geometry in Salomé and start partitioning and meshing your problem in just 5 minutes.

Then you can simulate incredibly complex physics with the ISO 9001 certified FE solver Code_Aster: non-linear thermo-mechanics, coupled fluid-structure dynamics, sismic / non-linear explicit dynamics, contacts, visco-plasticity, in other words all that you could imagine can be simulated with Code_Aster!! Then reload your results files in Salomé to post-process your data in 3D.

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