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Information about Arch Linux 2012.09.07

Arch Linux is a general purpose linux distribution that can be molded to do just about anything. It is fast, lightweight, flexible, and most of the parts under the hood are quite simple to understand and tweak, which can make it a good distro to "learn the ropes" on. We do not provide any configuration helper utilities (ie, you won't find linuxconf in here) so you will quickly become very proficient at configuring your system from the shell commandline.

Arch Linux uses i686-optimized packages which gives us improved performance over some of our i386-optimized cousins. This means that Arch Linux will only run on a Pentium II processor or higher. We try to stay fairly bleeding edge, and typically have the latest stable versions of software.

Arch Linux is an i686-optimized linux distribution targeted at competent linux users (read: not afraid of the commandline)

Pierre Schmitz has announced the availability of a new Arch Linux installer image, version 2012.09.07...

Related Links: Arch Linux Forum, Arch Linux Reviews, Arch Linux Screencasts, Official website
Supported Architectures: 686, AMD x86-64
Related Topics: Desktop, Live Media, Rescue

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ISO 1archlinux-2012.09.07-dual.iso.torrent
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ISO 1archlinux-2012.09.07-dual.iso
United States
96%  FTP  Arch Linux (rate)Download ISO 1
88%  FTP FTP Mirror (rate)Download ISO 1
76%  HTTP  Portland State University (rate)Download ISO 1
66%  HTTP  United States Gigenet (rate)Download ISO 1
75%  FTP  XMission Mirror (rate)Download ISO 1
75%  HTTP  Esslingen University of Applied Sciences (rate)Download ISO 1
84%  FTP  GWDG-de FTP (rate)Download ISO 1
50%  FTP  Arch Linux-no FTP (rate)Download ISO 1

Arch Linux is a general purpose linux distribution that can be molded to do just about anything. It is fast, lightweight, flexible, and most of the parts under the hood are quite simple to understand and tweak, which can make it a good distro to "learn the ropes" on. We do not provide any configuration helper utilities (ie, you won't find linuxconf in here) so you will quickly become very proficient at configuring your system from the shell commandline.

Arch Linux uses i686-optimized packages which gives us improved performance over some of our i386-optimized cousins. This means that Arch Linux will only run on a Pentium II processor or higher. We try to stay fairly bleeding edge, and typically have the latest stable versions of software.

Arch Linux is an i686-optimized linux distribution targeted at competent linux users (read: not afraid of the commandline)

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